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Our Solutions







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  • Mastering change successfully

  • Establishing an innovative performance and learning culture as a lever for agile transformation (agile doing and agile mindset)

  • Development of powerful corporate mission statements (vision, mission, values)

  • Develop and implement clear, successful strategies for companies and business units

  • Creative solutions to attract new employees (recruiting) and retain existing ones (retention management)

  • Implementing SCRUM and LEAN processes

  • Effective support from a handicraft business to a modern industrial enterprise

  • Digital workshops and team development measures

  • Powerful, practical tools from many years of experience in medium-sized businesses 

  • Personalized on the job - executive development and mentoring programs (also for SCRUM Masters, Product Owners, Project Managers, Agile Coaches), perfect balance presence and video support

  • Training programs for (young, new) managers with initial leadership experience (from colleague to supervisor)

  • Development of (self-organizing) high performance teams

  • Special management development programs for production management (production manager, foreman, foreman)

  • Regular debriefings and follow-up

  • Consideration of current findings of learning and brain research


​5 fundamental Key Questions for Leaders to establish a Performance Culture 































"Kulturwandel bei sipgate -

das etwas andere Unternehmen" 


Andreas Prause Teamentwicklung Leadership

How do managers succeed in creating the basic conditions and developing a trustworthy "work and performance climate" in everyday work, so that employees are prepared to make full use of their potential? 


How do managers manage the organisational (temporal) "priority - balancing act" between "customer order" (focus on customer, turnover, revenues) and "leadership order" (leading employees so that they lead themselves)?


How do managers manage to establish "qualitative time-outs" and use them efficiently to develop teams, develop and implement powerful strategies?                              


How can a (self) leadership culture be initiated, established and that permeates the entire organization and is attractive to potential new employees and top executives?


Which corporate identity and culture do we need and communicate in order to remain or become attractive for the best (potential) employees?


French Open Video !!! 

Establish ap FührungsKULTUR in Topsport

"Reflective Leadership and powerful Communication for Top Coaches - bridging the knowing doing gap" - a highly powerful, international successfully approved, unique Mentoring concept to support Top Coaches

Most trainers in top-class sports are very good (technical, tactical) experts. Whether it be that they themselves were players or they have acquired diverse trainer licenses. In order to realise the potential of a team, continuous personal development regarding the technical, tactical as well as the emotional and mental abilities of the trainer are required. Moreover successful Coaches need a clear identity as Coaches: what is your Coach Vision? What Leadership style are you representing? What values are you living? How effective do you communicate with your team and staff?


This is exactly where we come in with our "Reflective Leadership and powerful communication for Top Coaches - bridging the knowing doing gap Programme". It´s a very powerful, modern "on the training Mentoring concept" joint with practical workshop modules. Here we consider new findings about how we learn: 70% on the job, 20 % reading, hearing and 10% by classical trainings. The  programme, designed specifically for team coaches in Topsport answered 10 essential key questions 


10 Key questions for Trainers and Coaches in top-class sport

Teamentwicklung mit Andreas Prause

What is my Coach Vision? What is my identity as a Coach? 


How can i communicate effectively? Give instructions to the point? Ask powerful questions! Listen to players? How to give supporting feedback? How to visualize powerful? How to be emotionally close to the team, but distant enough to decide clearly?


How to create a clear framework to develop a High Performance Team and realise the potential of all players and the staff?


How is it possible to create a team identity, which makes clear to all players and opponents (even in critical situations) what the team stands for and that is consistent with the identity of the club or association?


How can the principles for success and building blocks of a High Performance Team be successfully applied in everyday training?


How can the trainers and coaches establish a trust and performance culture in which it is possible to realise the potential of all the players and the team?


How can the latest findings in brain research be used in order to have a better overview of how players and trainers (Staff) "tick" and what motivates them?


What can team coaches do to ensure that a team communicates efficiently  in critical situations?


How can the trainer / coach use the timeouts / breaks efficiently?


How can a binding, clear structure of the season be created, so that there are no frictional losses?













Transfer into the everyday life of a trainer - "Reflective Leadership and powerful communication for Top Coach - bridging the knowing doing gap Programme"

  • Understanding the reality for your training, trainer

  • Communicate effectively

  • Cascade and establish club identity in teams

  • Identify principles and factors of success and use them in daily work as a trainer

  • Powerful tools from top sport for top sport

  • Interactive trainings and workshops

  • Personalised on the training mentoring programme

  • (Team) Coach Development Programme 

  • Concrete actions, smart ideas

  • Sharing well-founded more than 20 years experience in Topsport

  • Development of a trusting working and performance climate

  • Visual support (e. g. by video)

  • Regular debriefings

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